Tuesday, May 26, 2009

EAL and ESOL Teaching Opportunities

Job description:
Teachers of English as a second language work with adults and children whose first language is not English,
ESL and E2L are common abbreviations for English as a second language. The abbreviation EAL (English as an additional language) is current in schools, as is ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) within adult education.
Typical work activities
Teachers or tutors deliver classes to adults at colleges and in community and language centres. In primary and secondary schools, tuition is provided on an individual basis or support is provided in a classroom setting.
Typical activities include:
planning, preparing and delivering lessons and workshops for groups and individuals;
designing and producing teaching materials and adapting existing materials;
carrying out assessments of students' needs;
planning schemes of work;
assessing students' progress;
keeping records; attending and contributing to training sessions;
providing mainstream language support; cooperating with bilingual classroom assistants; facilitating home/school liaison; helping to draft and review institutional policies relating to the education of students with English as a second or additional language;
engaging in continuing professional development (CPD);
assisting in bidding for project funding.

English Conversation- Job Interview Tips

Sunday, May 24, 2009

English Conversation- IT Job Interview


* LISTENING : Mendengar
Siswa dilatih khusus mendenar ucapan kata/ kalimat bahasa inggris sesuai dengan penutur asli (Native Speaker) menggunakan modern e-learning tools.

* SPEAKING : Berbicara
Siswa mahir berbicara hanya dalam waktu singkat karena siswa di tuntun secara khusus dan di lengkapi dengan modern e-learning tools.

Metode dan peralatant elearning kami yang berbasis multimedia interactive (Visual & Audio) memungkin siswa dapat menbaca lancar "Fluent" kata-kata maupun kalimat bahasa inggris dengan tepat akurat dan intonasi sesuai penutur asli.

Siswa mampu menulis kalimat dan paragraf dalam waktu singkat karena di lengkapi multimedia systems yang mudah dan cepat.
Siswa di latih bernyanyi dalam bahasa inggris agar siswa merasa nyaman mengatur intonasi sesuai nada lagu, dan dengan bernyanyi siswa bisa memperhalus ucapan-ucapan, membuat siswa semangat, gembira dan class tidak membosankan.
Setiap siswa /peserta kursus mendapat kesempatan bermain games-games yang tersedia dalam bahasa inggris ( tersedia dalam berbagai macam versi, situasi, context etc.. full interactive)
Ada video pembelajaran produksi Longman/Pearson Education http://eltcatalogue.pearson.com/
Dan Local Published Video Interactive seperti; http://www.kesaintblanc.co.id/


Top-elaerning is a digital learning revolution presented to accelerate English learning systems. we are located in Bali - Indonesia, and we bring the technology to educate the community as a part of our commitment to serve and help community development programs. Our programs are simply customized to give much more easier ways for students to grasp modern learning methodologies. We use multimedia interactive systems to bring students into a modern era where everything is digital.

Base on the multimedia interactive easy instructions and, students be able to do self learning initiative or become independent to learn any kinds of languages of different scene, topics and situations.