Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is Hortatory Exposition?

What is Hortatory Exposition?
Hortatory Exposition Text

Definition of Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way.

Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition
1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Recommendation

Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition
1. Focusing on the writer
2. Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
3. Using action verb
4. Using thinking verb
5. Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
6. Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc
7. Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
8. Using passive voice
9. Using simple present tense

Hortatory Exposition
Dear student…
Pada semester sebelumnya kalian pasti sudah mengenal jenis teks analytical expostion, di semester ini kalian akan mempelajari jenis teks exposition yang lainnya, yaitu hortatory exposition. Teks hortatory exposition berisi tentang teks yang mengemukakan alasan-alasan dengan tujuan untuk membujuk pendengar atau pembaca agar mau mengikuti apa yang dikemukakan penulis. Dalam pelajaran bahasa Indonesia kita tentu sudah mengenal teks persuasi, yang sama isinya dengan teks hortatory.
Teks hortatory di awali dengan Thesis, yaitu menuliskan opini penulis tentang suatu masalah. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan argumen, yaitu alasan-alasan yang mendukung pendapat penulis. Terakhir, menuliskan saran atau nasihat.
Contoh Teks hortatory dalam bentuk surat:
Dear Editor,
We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There are so many ads, especially during our favourite programmes. We think they should be stopped for a number of reasons.
First, ads are nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes there seems to be more ads than programmes.
Second, ads are bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to buy unhealthy food like beer, soft drink, candy and chips. And they make people want things they do not really need and can not.
Finally, the people who make ads have too much say in what programmes people watch. That is because they want to put all their ads on popular programs that a lot of people watch. Some programmes which are not so popular get stopped because they do not attract enough ads, even though those programmes may be someone’s favourite.
For those reasons, we think TV station should stop showing ads. They interrupt programmes. They are bad influences on people, and they are sometimes put a stop to people’s favourite shows. We are sick of ads, and now we mostly watch other channels.
Coba perhatikan teks di atas. Paragraf pertama berisi thesis, yang dilanjutkan dengan arguments (alasan) di paragraf 2, 3, dan 4. Paragraf ke 5 berisi tentang recommendation (saran). Isi dari paragraf terakhir inilah yang membedakan teks horatatory dan analytical.

Expressions for Agreeing & Disagreeing

Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing
Stating an opinion • In my opinion...
• The way I see it...
• If you want my honest opinion....
• According to Lisa...
• As far as I'm concerned...
• If you ask me...
Asking for an opinion • What's your idea?
• What are your thoughts on all of this?
• How do you feel about that?
• Do you have anything to say about this?
• What do you think?
• Do you agree?
• Wouldn't you say?
Expressing agreement • I agree with you 100 percent.
• I couldn't agree with you more.
• That's so true.
• That's for sure.
• (slang) Tell me about it!
• You're absolutely right.
• Absolutely.
• That's exactly how I feel.
• Exactly.
• I'm afraid I agree with James.
• I have to side with Dad on this one.
• No doubt about it.
• (agree with negative statement) Me neither.
• (weak) I suppose so./I guess so.
• You have a point there.
• I was just going to say that.
Expressing disagreement • I don't think so.
• (strong) No way.
• I'm afraid I disagree.
• (strong) I totally disagree.
• I beg to differ.
• (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.
• Not necessarily.
• That's not always true.
• That's not always the case.
• No, I'm not so sure about that.
Interruptions • Can I add something here?
• Is it okay if I jump in for a second?
• If I might add something...
• Can I throw my two cents in?
• Sorry to interrupt, but...
• (after accidentally interrupting someone) Sorry, go ahead. OR Sorry, you were saying...
• (after being interrupted) You didn't let me finish.
Settling an argument • Let's just move on, shall we?
• Let's drop it.
• I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
• (sarcastic) Whatever you say./If you say so.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A - Z English Lessons

Asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:
• Could you tell me...?
• Do you know...?
• Do you happen to know...?
• I'd like to know...
• Could you find out...?
• I'm interested in...
• I'm looking for..
1: Asking for and giving personal information
2: Name  What’s your name?   My name is… It’s…
3: Nickname   What’s your nickname? How do your friends call you?   My nickname is… They call me…
4: Age  How old are you?  I am sixteen.
5: Place of residence  Where do you live?  I live in…
6: Birthday  When were you born?  I was born on the 5th September.
7: Favourite school subjects  What are your favourite subjects?  My favourite subjects are…English, Portuguese, Maths, Physical Education…
8: Weakest subjects  What are your weakest subjects?  My weakest subjects are…History, Geography…
9: Favourite Sports  What are your favourite sports?  My favourite sports are football, basketball, volleyball…
10: Favourite music   What are your favourite bands/ singers? What kind of music do you like listening to?   My favourite bands/ singers are… I like listening to… hip-hop, rap, rock, heavy…
11: Interests/ Hobbies   What are your favourite interests/ hobbies? What do you like doing in your free time?    My favourite interests/ hobbies are… I like… I don’t like…
12: Exercise  Working in pairs, find out your classmate’s personal information. Then write a small presentation about him/ her. Present it to the class.  
13: Follow the example:   His name is João, but his friends call him Jonas. He’s fifteen years old and he lives in Penafiel. He was born on the 3rd May. His favourite suject is History and his weakest subject is Maths. He loves football and in his free time he likes listening to hiphop music and playing computer games.

Kinds of expressions

1.I shouted at him who was my subordinate many times.
2.Because,sometimes he didn't obey my indications(orders)
(Which words are better "order" or "indication" in this situation?)
3.He didn't understand why we make advertisements.
4.I think how do we show our advertisements for customers and how do we make customers buy our products are the most important purpose to make the advertisements
5.But regrettably,most designers don't understand that at all.
6.They persist their pictures and graphics too much.So they completely lost the original reason to make those.
7.Desingers who can draw beautiful pictures on computers tend to strongly have such a personality.
8.So I had to shout at them once to make them understand my opinion and way of thinking about advertisements.
9.I'm telling from just my experiences but I think they can't understand that unless I shout them.

1.Why did you express yourself "kind person" toward my question?
2.Please explain it to me,I would like to listen to your defenite answer.
3.I always take care of what other people think.
4.I have to have more guts.

1.There is a bar at the ground floor of this building.
2.I'm staying on the top floor of this accommodations.
3.I'm staying at the most reasonable(cheapest?) room at this accommodations.
4.I wanna go the bar at which there is ground of this building.
5.I like this accommmodations' atmosphere.
6.I become a friend with one Chinese man,I often go drink with him.

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